We are a group of Brazilian entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives working in the field of foreign trade and Supply Chain in the American territory.
Our goal is to connect professionals in the field through our network and event agenda, delivering informative and educational content of value to our members.
Our mission is to help people connect, shortening paths.

ABPL is a business association. Created with the goal of promoting interaction, networking among Brazilian professionals residing in the United States and working in the fields of logistics, supply chain, or foreign trade in the country.
Professional areas of operation of members and associates: Freight forwarders, shipowners, logistics service providers, carriers, airlines, trading companies, legal consultancies specialized in foreign trade, digital supply chain consultancies, multinational importers/exporters in general (working in the foreign trade, logistics, logistics procurement, or supply chain departments within the employing organization).
Activities and Benefits: ABPL promotes virtual events, as well as in-person events, in different locations in the United States that will include: networking rounds, lectures, forums, meetings, and social events. ABPL members also have access to the digital area that contains exclusive educational content.
Digital Platforms: To become the main source of information, in Portuguese, regarding news about logistics, foreign trade (including the economy), supply chain (focus on innovation & new technologies) relevant to the United States. Also, ABPL will promote digital content of interest to professionals working in Brazil and aiming for future transfer to the American market, through video podcasts, interviews, job opportunities, recruitment, and articles.
2016 - Grupo Comex BR
Abertura de grupo Whatsapp Comex BR com o objetivo de unir profissionais brasileiros de logística nos EUA.
2017 - ABPL
Instuição ABPL, oficialmente aberta nos Estados Unidos.
2018 - Grupo de Networking Comex BR no Whatsapp ultrapassa a marca de 50 membros.
Colegas de outros Estados Unidos (Texas, Georgia, New Jesey) adicionados ao grupo.
2019 - Comunidade Comex BR ultrapassa a marca de +90 membros.
Membros de diferentes estados americanos (California, Ilinois, Colorado e Pennsilvannia).
2020 - Formacao do Conselho ABPL,
primeiro piloto do Podcast ABPL realizado. Grupo Whatsapp passa a marca dos 140+ participantes (cobertura em todo territorio americano).
2024 - Expansão e oficialização do projeto ABPL.
Kick-off das atividades da associação. Promoções de diferentes eventos, visando a integração (networking) dos membros e transmissão de conteúdos educacionais. Ultrapassa a marca de + 200 membros.